Devs answer ur mail we have been sending mails since September and hears nothing no reply from any devs fox the events and monsters and packs please u need to reply to us ????????
Type: Posts; User: ApexPredator
Devs answer ur mail we have been sending mails since September and hears nothing no reply from any devs fox the events and monsters and packs please u need to reply to us ????????
[QUOTE=James0222;202526]devs check your mail
We have been sending mails since September and no response the events and monsters and packs need fixing asap
Devs can u check you mail we have been emailing since September can u please fix the events and monsters and fix the packs again we have heard nothing from anyone we...
Devs can u answer ur mail we have been emailing since September and no response can u fix the event and monsters and packs.....??????
Devs can you check you mail we have been emailing use since September and nothing no reply there's been no events or monsters or packs please can u fix this asap and...